Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rachael & Robert, July 25, 2008

Robert and Rachael were married on Friday, July 25th at Spirit Mountain in Duluth, MN. I can still vividly remember meeting Rachael at the Bridal Show and listening to the 'excited' details of her wedding...a post of their engagement can be found on the blog...check it out!
Anyway, the weather was warm, for sure, but everyone looked GREAT and all the guest looked liek they were having a good time! Blessing to the both of you!!

Lindsey & Scott, July 26th, 2008

Photographed Lindsey & Scott this past weekend in Ashland, WI at Scott's family farm...what a great venue...Kudo's to his mom & dad who had to have labored much during the past 3-4 months to put the grounds all together.
Fun couple with lots of fun images. It was nice to have worked with this couple again, as I've photographed them at another wedding (friends of theirs) a few years ago. Blessings Scott, Lindsey and family!


It's largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. You're not finished when you're defeated, you're only finished when you quit.
The most important quality essential to success is perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.
You can have a fresh start any time you choose, for "failure" is not in the falling down, but in the staying down. It's not over until it's over.
If you've got the courage to stick it out, you'll attain your goal. Winning isn't everything. Wanting to win is everything.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quote of the Day

"These are not dark days; these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived."
-- Winston Churchill

Quote of the Day

"The pro is the person who has all the hassles, obstacles, and disappointing frustrations that everyone else has. yet continues to persist, does the job, and makes it look easy."

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Quote of the Day

“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”
—Colin Powell (b. 1937), 65th US Secretary of State

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ryan & Karli's Wedding, July 19. 2008

Adrian Halvorson, one of our photographers was honored to have photographed Ryan & Karli Johnson's Wedding in Litchfield...He did a super Job! Weather held off and the result was great images!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Quote of the Day

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
—Pope John XXIII (1881-1963), 261st Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rachelle & Andro’s Wedding, July 19, 2008

Rachelle & Andro were married this past Saturday in Bayfield, WI. Weather was ‘iffy’ at times, but we managed alot of great images! Thanks Rachelle and Andro!! Blessings!!

Nicole & Kevin

Photographed Nicole & Kevin's engagement on Sunday(yesterday)...had decent weather so we decided images on a sailboat would be awesome! It was! Thanks Nicole & Kevin....Looking forward to October!!

Quote of the Day

"You are going to fall off a cliff trying to get a better shot someday" - My hopeful and loving wife

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to Overcome Limitations

Passion, wealth, fame, accomplishment and happinesscan be yours, in whatever amounts you desire, when you've learned . . . . How to Overcome Limitations
Your only limitations, within reason, are those you set up in your own mind, or permit others to set up for you.
Rid yourself of these imaginary curbs, and you can achieve any heights you desire. You can do anything--if you believe you can. There is no handicap that can stop you, unless you want it to do so.
Thomas A. Edison became the greatest inventor of all time although he had little formal schooling. He knew what he wanted and believed thoroughly that he could get it. He permitted no limitation to enter his mind.
He learned to overcome his handicap, using his active imagination to conceive new devices and then letting others with technical training perfect the inventions.
Not too long ago "everyone" knew that Orville and Wilbur Wright were wasting their time trying to make a flying machine. Hadn't others tried and failed?
The Wrights, however, refused to recognize any limitations others tried to establish. They went right on working--and won.
There is no greater proof of the statement that "whatever the mind of Man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."
But success comes only to those who try.
It never comes to those who let themselves be hog-tied by limitations they believe insurmountable. There is no such thing as a limitation which cannot be circumvented, removed or surmounted by some plan or purpose that turns the obstacle into a stepping stone.
The place to start is in your own mind--by maintaining a positive mental attitude, by knowing exactly what you want and keeping your mind so busily engaged in achieving it that there is no time left for discouragement. The only limitations that can hold you back are those you willingly accept as unbeatable.
You'll never know the miracles your mind can perform until you acquire the habit of casting off these imaginary shackles. Only you can do it. Others might encourage and urge and advise. But the final blow for freedom of the mind is yours alone to strike.
Remember that those things that have never been done before offer the greatest challenge and opportunity. The pioneer who first accomplishes them is the one who reaps the reward.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Quote of the Day

“ Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ”
- Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens] (1835-1910),

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 18 Years, today!

I can't believe my 'little boy' is 18 years old, today. Infact, at 7:55 am this morning, it was official.
No amount of coffee with Bailey's is taking the shock away from ol' dad this morning...
The image was taken nine years ago or so...
I love you, Ian!!

Quote of the Day

"It takes the hammer of persistence to drive the nail of success."
-- John Mason, Writer

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Amber & Ricco, July 12, 2008

Was fortunate to have been asked by Riccdo & Amber to photograph their wedding this past weekend...WOW! Lots of great images, too many to post!

Quote of the Day

"Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat"
-- Napoleon Hill, Motivational Writer

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quote of the Day

“The value of compassion cannot be over-emphasized. Anyone can criticize. It takes a true believer to be compassionate. No greater burden can be borne by an individual than to know no one cares or understands.”
—Arthur H. Stainback; author

Meagan & Nathaniel

Photographed Meagan & Nathaniel's engagement session on our sailboat and near the beach at our Marina this past weekend...I'm expecting their wedding to be as fun as this session. Thanks you guys!! Looking forward to August 8th!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!"
-- Andrew Carnegie, Industrialist

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sunrise Over Madeline Island

Photograph taken in the early morning, during Applefest celebration in Bayfield, Wisconsin...sun rising over Madeline Island in the distance. Bayfield Marina in the foreground...early October before haul-out...

Help In Achieving Peace Of Mind

Help in Achieving Peace of Mind

Nothing can be any more dead than your past, so if you wish peace of mind, you must learn to close the doors to all past experiences which were negative. Digging up the sad experiences of one's past is worse than digging up dead cats.

Always remember that every unpleasant experience you ever had carried with it the seed of an equivalent pleasure or benefit. If you must think of these experiences, then learn to transmute them into something helpful by searching for that seed of an equivalent benefit, and express gratitude for it.

Perhaps the seed may consist of some useful lesson you could have learned only from sad experience.What if the experience did leave ugly wounds in the heart? The seed of an equivalent benefit may consist of the fact that the heart had the power to heal the wounds, thus proving that it can still heal other wounds it may receive in the future.

Close the door on ugly experiences, disappointments and frustrations, and lo! the great universal healer, TIME, will not only heal the wounds, but it will also condition your mind to reveal to you the seed of equivalent benefits available to you because of these experiences.

When you close the door on any portion of your past experiences, be sure not to leave it ajar. Nail it down tightly so you will not be tempted to peep through the crack to see what has happened to the thing you discarded.

You are searching for the way to peace of mind.

That way does not lead backward through the graveyard of dead hopes and unpleasant experiences, a goodly number of which every human being must face during a lifetime.

As the physical food you eat passes through your body, your system extracts from it those portions which are required for the health and maintenance of the body and discards the remainder as waste which must be eliminated from the body before it becomes a deadly poison.

Your mind works in a similar manner in its reaction to the mental food you feed it through your daily experiences, some of which is good for your welfare and some of which must be eliminated before it, too, becomes deadly poison.

When you have attained peace of mind, your mind will automatically reject every thought and every mental reaction which is not beneficial to your welfare. Meanwhile, before you graduate into this desirable command of your mind, you will find it necessary to voluntarily throw off all negative mental influences which you do not wish to become a part of your character.

The "throwing off" consists of your forming the habit of transmuting negative thoughts into positive thoughts. How is this done, you ask? Simply by switching your mind away for unpleasant thoughts and training it on thoughts which are pleasant.

O. Henry's one and only adventure in crime, which resulted in a prison sentence, was transmuted into talent as a writer which made him an immortal in the field of literature.

Jack London's frustrations during the early part of his life were transmuted into novels which made him a national figure during his lifetime and for a long while thereafter.

Knut Hamsun, a Norwegian immigrant, failed at everything he tried. Finally, in desperation, he decided to write his story of disappointments in a book which he called Hunger. It won the Nobel Prize for literature and caused the publishers of the world to make a beaten path to his door. Then came riches in great abundance--sufficient to enable him to retire.

Remember with profit that one's experiences in life, good or bad, are not important within themselves. One's reaction to those experiences is what counts. By closing doors on those experiences which are unpleasant, one may transmute them into benefits of great value to one's self and to the world.

Charles Dickens suffered a disappointment in his first love affair. Instead of jumping off the highest building or taking an overdose of sleeping pills, he transmuted his unrequited love into David Copperfield, a masterpiece of literature which opened to him a career that crowned him with glory and riches fit for a king.

If often happens that before a man finds himself he must undergo a series of reverses, disappointments, defeats and failures.

More than likely Harry Truman would have been greatly surprised if, following his failure as the operator of a haberdashery, he had been told that one day he would be President of the United States.

It is a fortunate day for a man when he discovers that there is no such reality as a permanent loss; that for everything which is taken away from him he gains something of equal or greater value to take its place--perhaps something quite different from the thing he lost.

It is an equally fortunate day when a man discovers that the most of his so-called failures and defeats are blessings in disguise; that they force him to change his course in life so that he is led in the direction of greater opportunities, greater happiness, greater understanding.

It would have been difficult to sell this idea to Milo C. Jones while he was working, with a healthy body, as a farmer at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. He was making a living from his small farm and he would have told you that was about all that any farmer could be expected to do.

But had you told him about it after he had been stricken with double paralysis, and had discovered a mind which enabled him to convert that same farm into a multi-million dollar business, he would have listened to you with respect.

Is it not strange why men seldom come to themselves until they have been overtaken by disaster? Perhaps the Creator planned it thus. There seems no other explanation.

The richest copper mine in the world was discovered by a miner who had spent most of his life searching for gold. This trusty mule, which carried all of his worldly belongings, including his mining equipment, fell into a gopher hold, broke his leg and had to be shot. While trying to dig the mule's leg out of the hole, the rich copper ore was uncovered.

Remember, when frustration of any sort overtakes you, it may be the silent work of an unseen friend who is trying to save you from trouble.

-Napoleon Hill

Quote of the Day

“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody-it saves so much trouble.”
—Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), poet, author

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Award Winning Photography"

"Award Winning Photography"
Weddings are special. Two people committing their lives to each other. Families beings created. The joy of dreams shared and love fulfilled. Let Delightful Images capture the hope, dreams, and joy of the day that your lives are united. Weddings are celebrations of life and love. Weddings are solemn promises and vows. But most of all weddings are history - your family history. At no other time in your life will you share something so intimate as vowing your love in the company of so many people. Love can be dramatic, wild, quiet, all at the same instant. Love is unique to every couple. Show the world how different your love is.

Together as a team, they create and photograph romantic, storybook weddings that their clients love. Please call the studio to discuss your ideas with Gregg & Linda so they can answer any questions that you may have. Gregg Thompson Photography offers a wide range of services including custom designed portrait sessions, clothing consultations, custom framing, digital retouching services, contemporary black & white wedding photography and more. They look forward to helping make this event one of the happiest and memorable of your lives.

We offer Wedding Collections that always capture the Heart! Two Photographers, with over 24 years of combined wedding experience, at your event. Capturing your style, moments, memories in Black & White and Color, with a ‘flare’ for the contemporary and traditional. Full day coverages, leather-bound custom designed albums, on-line viewing, our guarantee…assure you of the “Best” we have to offer!

Gregg Thompson has been photographing weddings, portraits and corporate functions for over 18 years. Renowned for using natural light situations, Gregg is able to create a sensitive and elegant image.With Gregg’s spontaneous humor, all the tension diminishes and clients become their best in front of the camera.

Gregg has been recipient of many Honors, including; awarded “Minnesota Wedding Photographer of the Year 1999″, “Photographic Craftsman Degree” from PPA in 1999, “Court of Honor” awards, Kodak “Gallery Award” and numerous images accepted into Loan Collections.
Linda, Gregg’s wife, along with her expertise in managing their property management company these past six years, decided to joined forces with Gregg, and became co-owner five years ago, bringing her Black & White photographic (documentary) experience to the team. Her stylistic eye never fails to capture the passion of the day and her sense of fashion and design records those intimate details that might otherwise get overlooked.

Gregg met Linda totally by chance. He had inquired about hiring a model, to help with a wedding instruction class he was presenting to fellow photographers, when a friend mentioned Linda… Seven years later, they now find themselves as one of the ‘most sought after’ married photography teams in the Midwest, having been asked to photograph weddings throughout the Midwest, as well as Negril, Jamaica, Houston, Texas, Sacramento, CA, Seattle, WA, Las Vegas, NV, Sanibel Island, FL, and Isla Mujeres(Cancun), Mexico.With their children, they enjoy traveling together, spending time at their lake home and sailing their 30′ Cal Sailboat on beautiful Lake Superior.

Together they strive to provide the finest wedding and portrait artistry available.Thompson Portrait DesignToll free phone: 866.656.5919 / e-mail:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Quote of the Day

“No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.”
—Author Unknown
OK, I've got a little more time to post...anyway, these images of Nicole were taken at Blue Vista Farm, near Bayfield, WI. The images and the setting are what make these images my opinion.

Quote of the Day

"The price of greatness is responsibility."
-- Winston Churchill, Former British prime minister

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Eddie & Jenny, June 28, 2008

Photographed Ed & Jenny...Beautiful wedding taking place in Saint CLoud, MN

Friday, July 4, 2008

Senior Portraits

I was fortunate enough to photograph Nicole's Senior Portraits this weekend in Bayfield. She comes from such a super family! I was honored to photograph Nic's older sister two years ago, as well. Thanks Nicole!

More Grad Images!!